Is Milkbasket the secret to Micro-Delivery in India?

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  • Micro-delivery services are a vital part of the e-commerce landscape, providing daily necessities directly to customers’ homes.
  • Milkbasket reliance, a key player in this sector, has achieved profitability through strategic operations and financial planning.
  • This article explores the factors that have contributed to Milkbasket’s success in the micro-delivery industry.

The Origin of Milkbasket :

  • Founded in 2015 by Anant Goel, Anurag Jain, Ashish Goel, and Yatish Talavdia.
  • Milkbasket’s mission is to provide a reliable and convenient platform for daily essentials delivery.
  • The company has achieved substantial success and profitability since its inception.
  • Milkbasket stands out among competitors in the market.

The Milkbasket Reliance Industries Connection:

  • In October 2021, Reliance Industries acquired a 96.49% stake in Aaidea Solutions Private Limited, the parent company of Milkbasket.
  • This acquisition placed Milkbasket under the ownership of Reliance Industries, one of India’s largest conglomerates.
  • Reliance Industries has diverse interests in sectors such as energy, petrochemicals, retail, telecommunications, and digital services.
Milkbasket reliance

Milkbasket’s Expansion and Profitability:

  • Milkbasket operates in 20 major Indian cities.
  • It serves more than 1.5 lakh households.
  • Achieved operational profitability in 2020.
  • Had plans to go public in 2021.
  • Key factors behind its success include its unique business model and efficient operations.

Customer-Centric Approach:

  • Customer-centric approach at the core of operations.
  • Personalized and flexible service.
  • Catalog of over 9,000 products across categories.
  • Order modifications until midnight for next-morning delivery.
  • Subscription option for regularly needed products.
  • Multiple payment options to enhance convenience.
  • Fosters customer loyalty and increases average order value.

Hybrid Model:

  • Hybrid model integrating inventory management and marketplace approach.
  • Maintains inventory for 20% of high-frequency items.
  • Sources 80% dynamically from local supermarkets and vendors.
  • Optimizes inventory costs.
  • Minimizes wastage.
  • Ensures product quality and freshness.
  • Offers a wide product assortment to customers.

Technology-Driven Operations:

  • Customer-centric approach with a vast product catalog and flexible ordering options.
  • Hybrid inventory model balancing in-house stock with local sourcing for cost-efficiency and product variety.
  • Utilization of advanced technology like AI, ML, and IoT for operational optimization and cost reduction.

Scalable Model:

  • Scalable cluster-based model focused on high-density residential areas.
  • Strategic partnerships with local kirana stores and vendors for efficient local product sourcing.
Owner of Milkbasket

Challenges Faced by Competitors

Challenges in Differentiation:

  • Product Parity: Competitors often offer similar product catalogs without significant differentiators.
  • Service Quality: Many competitors struggle to match Milkbasket’s customer-centric service and flexibility.
  • Pricing Strategy: Pricing strategies across competitors lack innovation and unique value propositions.
  • Customer Loyalty: Reduced differentiation leads to lower customer loyalty and increased acquisition costs.
  • Low Margins: Intense competition results in pricing wars, squeezing profit margins

Reliance on External Funding:

  • Burn Rates: Competitors’ heavy reliance on external funding has led to high burn rates, intensifying the need to deliver results.
  • Fundraising Challenges: Some competitors, like DailyNinja, encountered difficulties in raising funds due to market uncertainties and investor sentiments.
  • Acquisitions: DailyNinja, faced with funding challenges, was eventually acquired by BigBasket in 2020.

Operational Inefficiencies:

  • High Delivery Costs: Competitors faced challenges in managing delivery costs efficiently, affecting their bottom line.
  • Reduced Accuracy: Operational challenges led to reduced delivery accuracy, impacting customer satisfaction.
  • High Return Rates: Inefficient operations contributed to higher return rates, increasing operational costs.
  • Excessive Inventory Costs: Poor inventory management strategies resulted in excessive inventory costs for competitors.
  • Compromised Product Quality: Some competitors struggled to maintain consistent product quality, affecting customer trust and loyalty.
Milkbasket team


Milkbasket’s path to profitability in the micro-delivery industry showcases the power of innovation and customer-centricity. Through its focus on customer needs, adoption of a hybrid inventory model, technology-driven operations, and scalable approach

Milkbasket has not only distinguished itself but also cultivated a loyal customer base. This success story underscores that micro-delivery, while challenging, can be a profitable endeavor when approached with creativity and an unwavering dedication to customer satisfaction.

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